Our purpose...

is to promote the name of Sir Douglas Mawson and all he stood for and to ensure that his inspirational commitment and contributions to science and exploration are widely known.

To this end we bring together in this one website a wealth of information about Sir Douglas Mawson, his life, his achievments as a geologist and Antarctic explorer, lists of pertinent reference material and much, much more.

Please explore and enjoy...

Our Objectives are to...

  • Ensure that the inspirational commitment of Sir Douglas Mawson and his contribution to science and exploration are widely known.
  • Promote contacts between people who value the history and interests of Sir Douglas Mawson.
  • Promote and support scientific and historical education and research related to Sir Douglas Mawson's interests.
  • Foster interest in the Mawson Collection held at the South Australian Museum.

Want to know more about him?

Suggested reading

Should you wish to learn more about this fascinating man beyond the information contained in these pages, click on the button above to access a reading list we have compiled for your information and enjoyment.