Can you help solve these Mawson mysteries?
As you may expect with a collection as large as the South Australian Museum's Mawson Collection of nearly 100,000 items there are many of unknown subject or provenance. The following are just a few that we hope you may be able to help us identify. Should you have anything to offer please don't hesitate to contact us using the email address below.
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Do you know the people in this photo, or where it was taken?
Here is a Mawson Collection photo that needs identifying. It is from a
series of personal photograph albums, with little additional detail known at this stage. It is believed to be one of a series
from the summer of 1906-07, that involved Mawson, his brother, and Taylor. We know Mawson is sitting on the left, Griff Taylor
is standing on the left, and William Mawson is probably standing on the right. The other three are unknown. The exact location
is also unknown although it is probably on the road to Charlotte Pass from which it is a nine kilometre walk up a path to the
Mount Kosciusko summit. We know they made use of a horse and cart. Given this the "who" is of more interest than the
Portrait Mystery solved.
The portrait of Mawson in the photo on the right has been identified.
It was painted by Henry J Haley (1874 – 1964) in 1933. The original is in Australian National Portrait Gallery.