A listing of some of the awards presented to Sir Douglas Mawson
- Knight Bachelor, 1914
- Order of the British Empire (OBE)
- Antarctic Medal, Royal Geographical Society, 1909
- Founder's Medal, Royal Geographical Society, 1915
- King's Polar Medal (two bars)
- Gold Medal, American Geographical Society
- Gold Medal, Chicago Geographical Society
- Gold Medal, Paris Geographical Society
- Bigsby Medal, Geological Society of London 1919
- Fellow Royal Society 1923
- Nachtigal Gold Medal, Gessellschaft für Erdkunde 1928
- Mueller Medal, ANZAAS 1930
- Sir Joseph Verco Medal, Royal Society of South Australia 1931
- Founder's Medal, Royal Geographical Society of Australia (Queensland) 1931
- Foundation Fellow, Australian Academy of Science 1954